I'm rubbish at self promotion. It's not humility, it's laziness. I've messed around with Facebook but whatever I do only seems to generate a sales pitch from the Facebook team who tell me I'll only succeed if I send them money. So I thought I'd go back to the old ways, more or less and tell people directly. That way nobody needs a Facebook account and you can see what's going on without having to wade through a mile of videos about amusing pets. You will need a computer but I assume you have one of those or we wouldn't be having this chat in the first place!
The Book

My creative life has been dominated recently by the imminent publication of my novel; EuroMission Impossible, in paper pack. I should say re-publication. The hard back was published in 1994 under the title; Sing and Shout. EuroMission Impossible is basically a re-mix in Dolby Surround, the lovely people from Hope & Plum insisted on a new title and a thorough editorial makeover. I loved going back to it after all this time to revisit the characters. The story is the same but there's less waffle and more jokes. There are two launch events planned:
5th March 6.30pm till 8.30pm at Daunt Books, 61, Cheapside London, EC2V 6AX and
9th March 12.30pm till 2.30pm at Haslemere Book Shop, 2 Causewayside, High Street, Haslemere, GU27 2JZ
They're free to attend, I'll be reading an extract from the book (very short) and singing the unplugged version of their EuroMission SongFest entry live so it'll be a bit unusual as book launches go.

I play around 50 gigs a year, mostly around Surrey and Hampshire. The majority are solo but increasingly with an ever growing ensemble of extremely talented players. On March 15th I'll be playing with the band at The Farnham Pottery and solo at The Acoustic Cafe at The Rose and Crown, Sandhurst on March 18th, GT Live Session at The Britannia, Guildford on March 20th and supporting The True Deceivers at Godalming Borough Hall on March 30th.
Things tend to change at short notice but I keep the gig list up to date on my website, it's on the Home page (on the left at the top) just scroll down a bit and you'll find it.
That's it for now, hope to see you soon.