Last night night I was playing a club in Beckenham. It was a bit of a slog crawling through the South London traffic on a Saturday afternoon but I loved the gig. Somebody from the club heard me play somewhere and thought their audience would enjoy my music so he tracked me down and invited me up there to play. He was right, I told my stories, sang my songs and made some new friends.
This is the reason I do what I do. I've played a lot of festivals, vineyards, artisan markets, small cubs and livestreams so far this year, this afternoon I'm off to Weyfest to do it again and I hope to be doing it far and wide, for ever.
I'm developing a bit of a niche as the king of the support slot which is absolutely fine with me. Keep an eye on my website for details (Gigs & Events) but, as previously mentioned, I'm supporting the great Seth Lakeman at the Hogs Back Brewery on 15th September, there's talk of a support slot for the legendary Albert Lee 21st October at Godalming Borough Hall and for Guy Tortora at the Cranleigh Arts Centre on 11th November. Tickets are available for these shows via Eclectic Live Music.
If you'd like to be notified automatically about gigs in your area you can follow me on my BandsInTown page.
See you soon.